Tuesday 30 September 2014

Does income derived from sale of export incentive qualify for deduction under section 80-IB?

CIT v. Jaswand Sons (2010) 328 ITR 442 (P&H)

On this issue, the High Court held that income derived from sale of export incentive cannot be said to be income derived fromthe industrial undertaking and therefore, such income is not eligible for deduction under section 80-IB.

Sunday 21 September 2014

As certain divisions are re-grouped into an SBU, This change in structure can facilitate strategy implementation by improving coordination between similar divisions.
Two disadvantages of an SBU structure are that it requires an additional layer of management, which increases salary expenses, and the role of the group vice president is often ambiguous.

For example, Sony has been restructuring to match the SBU structure with its ten internal companies as organised into four strategic business units. Because it has been pushing the company to make better use of software products and content (e.g., Sony's music, films and games) in its televisions and audio gear to increase Sony's profitability.